The floor show at Downtown Crossing's food court
Labels: Boston, Food and drink
By Robert David Sullivan (escargot555 at yahoo dot com)
Labels: Boston, Food and drink
Labels: Gambling
The UK arm of the fast food chain is starting a campaign to get British dictionary publishers to revise their definitions of the word “McJob”, a term the Oxford English Dictionary describes as “an unstimulating, low-paid job with few prospects, esp. one created by the expansion of the service sector”...
“We believe that it is out of date, out of touch with reality and most importantly it is insulting to those talented, committed, hard-working people who serve the public every day,” wrote David Fairhurst, chief people officer in northern Europe for McDonald’s, in a letter seen by the Financial Times seeking support for the petition. “It’s time the dictionary definition of “McJob” changed to reflect a job that is stimulating, rewarding and offers genuine opportunities for career progression and skills that last a lifetime.”
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[a butler passes by] Miss Claudia Caswell: Oh, waiter! Addison DeWitt: That is not a waiter, my dear, that is a butler. Miss Claudia Caswell: Well, I can't yell "Oh butler!" can I? Maybe somebody's name is Butler. Addison DeWitt: You have a point. An idiotic one, but a point.
Of course the Mother Superior did not die, but it was too late to turn back. Next it was Ecstasy in the omelets and "Don't sell that hen," then cocaine sprinkled over the bacon and "Don't sell that sow," followed by a wool sweater dipped in huffable furniture varnish and "Don't sell that sheep." It's all so troubling.A 98-year-old Mother Superior from Ireland was dying. The nuns gathered around her bed trying to make her last journey comfortable. They gave her some warm milk to drink, but she refused it. Then one of the nuns took the glass back to the kitchen. Remembering a bottle of Irish whiskey received as a gift the previous Christmas, she opened it and poured a generous amount into the warm milk. Back at Mother Superior's bed, she held the glass to her lips. Mother drank a little, then a little more, and before they knew it, she had drunk the whole glass.
"Mother," the nuns asked with humility, "please give us some wisdom before you die."She raised herself up in bed and with a pious look on her face said, "Don't sell that cow."
Labels: television
Massachusetts residents, so far as I can tell, are the only Americans without a dictionary-recognized name that's a variant of their state's name (I even tried a dead-tree dictionary). "Bay Stater" is all they've got, which is lame (I'm from Virginia and we also have a bay). Some people have tried Massachusettsan, but it seems too clunky to catch fire. I prefer something sleeker like "Achu" or "Chewy."I think we've come up with something a little more concise -- and scatological -- than Bay Stater. And I'd hate to associate it with "chewies." But I do like "Achus." It makes me think of Howard Dietz and Arthur Schwartz's pun-filled song "Rhode Island Is Famous For You", which features such gems as "Pencils come from Pennsylvania/Vests from Vest Virginia/And tents from Tents-a-see." Now we can add the line "Sneezes come from Mass-achu-setts."
Labels: television
You can still see the ghost of the Lady Grace sign to the left of All Seasons Table, a promising Asian restaurant that claims an April opening date. To the right of All Seasons is an example of the economic engine of downtown Malden: dollar stores and thrift shops. Note the interesting second-story architecture on this block. In a lot of neighborhoods the Lady Grace building would be perfect for a faux diner serving $24.95 plates of macaroni and cheese.
I was excited to find a business with the word cafe in it. Unfortunately, this one seems to cater to people forced to learn computer skills because no one will answer their phone calls (thanks to caller ID). Never mind; it's not open on weekends anyway. Who'd want to sit in a cafe then?
I did end my visit with a tasty lunch
(pho with fish) at this Vietnamese restaurant. Sai-Gon, take me away!
Labels: Malden
Here's the latest on man bags (a.k.a man purses). Fanny packs now look most fem. Gym bags are still OK, but are bulky and being replaced by drawstring back packs for "street cred." Cargo shorts, flip-flops, and wife-beaters are out. In are plaid shorts, hiking boots, with visible white crew socks, and opaque but clingy T-shirts where one's nipples are clearly defined by shape, but the color of the nipple is obscured. Nothing shiny, ever.
When I'm with Snide One, he gets all the looks, so I trust him completely. He also goes to the movies so I don't have to:
"Zodiac" is two hours and 40 minutes of excruciating '70s realism. It will get a nomination for set design. Jake Gyllenhaal has a dull presence. Chloe Sevigny does a dead-on impression of the post-pubescent Jan Brady. Robert Downey Jr. continues to embarrass himself.
OK. Instead of going to the movies this weekend, I'll bring all my wife-beaters to the Goodwill.
Labels: Boston Globe, New Hampshire primary
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